Wednesday, June 24, 2009

departure: 4 days

So... I am leaving for Venezuela in FOUR DAYS. (!!!!!) I keep asking myself, how did it suddenly come up so quickly?! Even though I have been preparing for weeks now, and I have had clothes organized and (partially) packed for about a week, I still feel utterly unprepared to leave for the next six weeks.

I realized, even being gone for such a relatively short time, there are LOTS of things to get in order. Student loans, medication refills, credit card payments, ALL of the things that I normally take care of at home I suddenly need to think about six weeks in advance!

There's also the problem of me being the control freak/overly organized person that I am. There are so many uncertainties still, even though VENUSA has done lots of preparing and organizing for us. I woke up today, checked my email, and found I had a message from VENUSA about our detailed travel plans. "Great!" I thought, since I love being 'in the know' about everything in advance, which often gets on the nerves of people around me. I read through the email and found a short paragraph about making sure that I had at least $100 USD's in Bolivares when I am traveling.

I suddenly switched to freak out mode. What?! I need Bolivares when I am traveling!?!! Where do I even get those? I called every bank, AND the airport and it is, with the amount of time before I leave, IMPOSSIBLE to get Bolivares on U.S. soil...

In other news, I've already had to upgrade my suitcase once to fit all of my clothes and shoes. Damn.

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